Welcome From CEO
The Saginaw County Community Mental Health Authority (SCCMHA) is the public agency charged with the provision and oversight of a large and diverse service network serving youth, families, and adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities, serious emotional disorders and behavioral challenges, mental illness and substance use disorders living in Saginaw County. SCCMHA is governed by a 12-member Board of Directors appointed by the Saginaw County Board of Commissioners, as directed by the Michigan Mental Health Code. SCCMHA is accredited by the Council of Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, Certified by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, and Certified by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services, and Certified by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration of the federal government as a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic.
We at the Saginaw County Community Menta Health Authority (SCCMHA) have a deep-seated believe in the potential of every person we meet seeking and receiving services. These same persons have a right to dream and imagine a life of their choosing and we are here to support those dreams and help them with opportunities to achieve them. At SCCMHA, we build upon these three tenants of our vision statement with a rich and diverse set of services, a talented and dedicated group of staff and contract agencies and our process of delivering support and treatment is informed by consumers themselves that work throughout the network and join us on numerous committees to guide and direct the work that we do and the way we do it.
We, however, do not carry out our work alone. SCCMHA has many partnerships both large and small, both formal and informal. Our partners work with us to meet the needs of those it is our honor to serve and work with in the community of Saginaw and in our region. These partnerships include schools, courts, law enforcement and other first responders, child welfare and protection agencies, housing and shelter providers, employers, human service agencies, veteran services, colleges and universities, hospitals, primary and specialty health care providers, the faith community, and a host of other multi-sector community collaborations.
Welcome to our website.
Warmest regards,
Sandra M. Lindsey, CEO