Crisis Intervention Services

To contact our Mobile Response & Stabilization Services (MRSS) Team: Call (989) 272-0275

To view the full Saginaw County Community Mental Health Authority Service Brochure, click here

Courts & Law Enforcement 

Mental Health courts are an innovative alternative to incarceration with emphasis on accountability and intensive monitoring for individuals charged with felonies.­ The Saginaw County Mental Health Court (MHC) removes defendants from the crowded courtrooms of the traditional criminal justice system and places them in a new type of courtroom environment.­ In this environment, they undergo treatment and counseling, make regular appearances before the judge, and are monitored closely for program compliance.­ While Mental Health Courts may vary statewide in scope, organization and points of intervention, all share an underlying premise that crime committed by a mentally ill person is not simply a law enforcement or criminal justice problem but a public health problem.­ Mental Health Court programs see the court, specifically the judge, as filling a role that goes beyond that of adjudication.

The program is a diversion opportunity for misdemeanor offense and some felony offenders who are mentally ill and have not been successful in their compliance with treatment.­ The program consists of frequent appearances before the MHC judge, mandatory mental health programming, regular visits with the Probation Officer, substance treatment for those co-occurring substance use disorders, and substance abuse testing.­ 

For more information on Mental Health Courts: